Carbon management mentoring programme 2023

Contact: Gabriella Abruzzo

In collaboration with Departament de Salut Xàtiva Ontinyent (Spain) and ECODES, HCWH Europe has launched the second edition of its mentoring programme to support hospitals in Spain to integrate climate action into their healthcare planning and develop expertise in carbon management. 

The lack of awareness, education, and training on sustainable healthcare are crucial barriers to achieving zero emissions in the sector. By improving carbon literacy among healthcare staff at 12 hospitals in Spain, HCWH Europe and Departament de Salut Xàtiva Ontinyent will help these institutions develop carbon management plans. The hospitals will also calculate their carbon footprints using the Sanidad #PorElClima platform, with support from ECODES. This project empowers individuals to drive climate action at their hospitals and push for ambitious carbon reduction targets within their organisations and beyond. 

Carbon management in healthcare 

This project will utilise a standard methodology for healthcare carbon management, developed as part of the Low-carbon healthcare in the Mediterranean region project. HCWH Europe’s Healthcare decarbonisation toolkit: Experiences from the Mediterranean region provides an overview of this methodology. This toolkit offers an introduction to the key concepts of carbon management, as well as a practical step-by-step guide to developing a carbon management plan that charts a course for decarbonisation in line with the Paris Agreement.

Project goal

To prepare and support staff at 12 hospitals in Spain to calculate their healthcare emissions and develop carbon management plans, with mentoring support from HCWH Europe and Hospital Lluís Alcanyís on their path to zero carbon healthcare.

Healthcare staff at participating hospitals will:

  1. Gain knowledge of carbon management in healthcare and develop a carbon management plan
  2. Put this knowledge into practice by developing their carbon footprint baseline
  3. Learn from best practices and discuss with healthcare providers that have already developed a carbon management plan, with specific guidance from Hospital Lluís Alcanyís
  4. Support a system-wide green and healthy hospital strategy 


Mentor: Hospital Lluís Alcanyís Hospital of Xàtiva, Departament de Salut Xàtiva Ontinyent


  • Hospital Marina Baixa
  • Hospital Verge dels Lliris d' Alcoi 
  • Hospital General de Castelló 
  • Hospital de Elda
  • Hospital Francesc de Borja de Gandía
  • Hospital General de Elx
  • Hospital de Sagunto
  • Hospital de Sant Vicent del Raspeig in Alacant
  • Hospital Arnau de Vilanova
  • Hospital General Universitario de Valencia
  • Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia
  • Consorci Hospitalari de Vic

Supporting partners





Funded by the IKEA Foundation. Views and opinions expressed are, however those of Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) Europe only and do not necessarily reflect those of the IKEA Foundation. The IKEA Foundation cannot be held responsible for them.