Setting sustainability criteria in healthcare tenders

Health systems and health procurers that adopt sustainable procurement policies, strategies, and practices can drive the shift towards inclusive, green economies. Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) is committed to establishing and globalising procurement criteria, leveraging healthcare’s purchasing power to drive policies and markets towards ethically produced, healthy, and sustainable products and services.

This vision underpins the Sustainable Health in Procurement Project (SHiPP) – a four-year project administered by UNDP and HCWH across ten countries. The core aims of the project are to reduce the harm to people and the environment caused by the manufacture, use, and disposal of medical products.

HCWH Europe has today released a brief to explain the EU public procurement strategy and to present key elements of the EU Public Procurement Directive (PPD) for SHiPP partners to consider adopting or adapting into their own regions and practices.

The brief Setting Sustainability Criteria in Healthcare Tenders provides an overview of the PPD, the European Commission’s Public Procurement strategy, the EU ecolabel initiative, and Green Public Procurement Criteria (GPP). It also outlines some sustainability concepts contained in the directive that could be adopted into procurement policies outside Europe, including a case study from HCWH Europe member Landspítali Hospital in Iceland.

Access the brief here

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