New working group to reduce antimicrobial use in food production

HCWH Europe is launching a new working group focused on increasing demand for food produced with responsible antimicrobial use. As part of the Healthcare Market Transformation Network, we are seeking healthcare procurement specialists to join this group and help develop a set of harmonised procurement criteria for antimicrobial use in food. 

The objectives of the group are to:

  1. Exchange best practices amongst European healthcare facilities
  2. Develop a set of standard procurement criteria on antimicrobial use in food served in European hospitals based on the EU’s Green Public Procurement criteria
  3. Engage healthcare facilities to endorse these procurement criteria. 

The group will meet four times from October 2021 to March 2022. The meetings will last between 1-1.5 hours, and after each meeting, HCWH Europe will develop draft documents which will be sent to participants for feedback.

If you have any questions about the working group please contact Erik Ruiz, Safer Pharma Project Officer.

Register your interest in the working group here.

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