Commission releases nanomaterials reports

  • Europe

Yesterday, the European Commission released three draft reports on the "Study to Address the Impact of Possible Legislation to Increase the Transparency of Nanomaterials on the Market." The report, carried out by RPA and Bi PRO GhbH, comprises of:

  1. Evaluation Report of transparency measures (draft 2)
  2. Building Blocks Report providing background information on policy options (draft 2)
  3. Options Assessment Report outlining key issues to address to understand the full impact of the presented policy options (draft 1)

Health Care Without Harm advocates for the creation of a mandatory EU register for nanomaterials produced, imported and used on the market in the EU. As a result, we are taking part in the ongoing public consultation ending on 5 August 2014, which includes participation at the technical validation workshop on 30th June 2014.

For information on our work in this area, read Nanomedicine: new solutions or new problems?